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pandapurpose 2023: Delivering with purpose to local communities across Asia


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Friday, 12 July 2024


At foodpanda, we deliver more than just meals to millions of customers across 400 cities in 11 markets. We’re also dedicated to creating value for our community of customers, vendors,


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Building a Better Workplace: foodpanda’s Mental Health Initiatives


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Thursday, 20 June 2024


At foodpanda, we care about more than just work – we care about you.We believe that a healthy mind is the foundation for a thriving life and career. As part of our commitment to the we


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Our Office Space


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Friday, 03 May 2024


Take a step into our APAC Headquarters!Ever wondered what it is like to be a panda? Let us show you! Here at foodpanda, we’re committed to creating an inclusive and collaborative offic


Take a step into our APAC Headquarters! Ever wondered what it is like to be a panda? Let us show you! Here at foodpanda, we’re committed to creating an inclusive and collaborative office space where you can bring your best selves to work! Read on to find out more!

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foodpanda 正式宣布加入「TALENT, in Taiwan,台灣人才永續行動聯盟」


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Thursday, 01 June 2023


人才培育發展與多元共融職場,一直是 foodpanda 重視的營運發展目標。 為了強化台灣社會的人才競爭力,同時因應 ESG 浪潮下、全球企業對人才社會責任的看重,在此關鍵時刻,foodpanda 正式宣布加入「TALENT, in Taiwan,台灣人才永續行動聯盟」! 我們承諾落實《多元與包容》、《身心健康》與《人才成長》三項指標,並展開以下行動: 1.打造《多元與


人才培育發展與多元共融職場,一直是 foodpadna 重視的營運發展目標。 為了強化台灣社會的人才競爭力,同時因應 ESG 浪潮下、全球企業對人才社會責任的看重,在此關鍵時刻,foodpadna 正式宣布加入「TALENT, in Taiwan,台灣人才永續行動聯盟」! 我們承諾落實《多元與包容》、《身心健康》與《人才成長》三項指標,並展開以下行動: 1.打造《多元與包容》環境,雇用女性員工比例為 60%,且女性高階主管佔比53

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愛地球才對味!foodpanda 5G 行動超前進度 實踐環保外送願景


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Publish date

Tuesday, 12 July 2022


疫情之下民眾減少在外用餐,不管是外帶還是外送,有形無形中都增加了許多一次性包裝、餐具的使用量,在聯合國近年大聲疾呼環境永續、2050淨零碳排的目標下,foodpanda響應永續行動,提出「共享永續」新觀念,成為第一個將共享經濟模式與永續行動連結的外送產業,更宣布啟動全面性「5G」行動,包含發表永續宣言Green Commitment、首創環境友善店家Green Vendor、打


疫情之下民眾減少在外用餐,不管是外帶還是外送,有形無形中都增加了許多一次性包裝、餐具的使用量,在聯合國近年大聲疾呼環境永續、2050淨零碳排的目標下,foodpanda響應永續行動,提出「共享永續」新觀念,成為第一個將共享經濟模式與永續行動連結的外送產業,更宣布啟動全面性「5G」行動,包含發表永續宣言Green Commitment、首創環境友善店家Green Vendor、打造永續外送Green Panda、鼓勵低碳騎士Green Rider、推廣環保饕客Green Customer,帶頭成就相對環保的外送消費模式

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Meet the Product Analytics team


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Monday, 14 February 2022


Meet the team that leverages data to deliver amazing experiences for millions of users on the foodpanda and Delivery Hero apps. Click play to learn more about what our Product Analytics team d


Meet the team that leverages data to deliver amazing experiences for millions of users on the foodpanda and Delivery Hero apps. Click play to learn more about what our Product Analytics team does (and how they have fun!) from Bharath, Beliz and Lindsay.

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foodpanda is the 3rd most downloaded food delivery app in the world!


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Tuesday, 01 February 2022


foodpanda is the 3rd most downloaded food delivery app in the world!2020 has been quite a journey – today, we’re serving our communities in almost 400 cities across 12 markets in Asia and we


foodpanda is the 3rd most downloaded food delivery app in the world! 2020 has been quite a journey – today, we’re serving our communities in almost 400 cities across 12 markets in Asia and we hope to have played a positive part in your lives. A big thank you to our rider partners, merchants and customers for riding it out together with us, and we look forward to doing more for you in 2021.

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Publish date

Thursday, 13 January 2022


隨著台灣疫情持續延燒,消費者線上採買生鮮需求升溫。超市龍頭全聯1月13日宣布將與外送平台foodpanda合作,今年第一季將上架350間門市,預計將帶來15億元外送營收,期望成為提供生鮮外送最方便的龍頭電商。 看好消費者依賴線上購買與生鮮雜貨外送的方便性,全聯在 2021 年初宣布投入生鮮外送戰場,為持續拓展外送覆蓋率,全聯宣布與foodpanda展開戰略合作,上架到foo


隨著台灣疫情持續延燒,消費者線上採買生鮮需求升溫。超市龍頭全聯1月13日宣布將與外送平台foodpanda合作,今年第一季將上架350間門市,預計將帶來15億元外送營收,期望成為提供生鮮外送最方便的龍頭電商。 看好消費者依賴線上購買與生鮮雜貨外送的方便性,全聯在 2021 年初宣布投入生鮮外送戰場,為持續拓展外送覆蓋率,全聯宣布與foodpanda展開戰略合作,上架到foodpanda平台,商品數上看3,000項;同時導入foodpanda的B2B服務pandago攻快商務

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foodpanda首批36家「環境友善店家」出爐!經由環保團體RE-THINK 9項指標篩選,再挑戰外送與環保共生性


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Publish date

Tuesday, 19 October 2021


foodpanda 攜手新創環保團體 RE-THINK 以及成功大學環境工程學系推動「環境友善店家」計畫,首創9大環保審查標準,推廣綠色外送。同時,宣布「循環容器外送」正式拓點台北,與台北市政府環保局及「好盒器」展開合作,鼓勵店家提供循環容器,在生活中漸進式取代免洗餐具,消費者可輕鬆響應環保。 foodpanda透過問卷調查平台用戶得出,其實有86%的消費者願意支持環保店家


foodpanda 攜手新創環保團體 RE-THINK 以及成功大學環境工程學系推動「環境友善店家」計畫,首創9大環保審查標準,推廣綠色外送。同時,宣布「循環容器外送」正式拓點台北,與台北市政府環保局及「好盒器」展開合作,鼓勵店家提供循環容器,在生活中漸進式取代免洗餐具,消費者可輕鬆響應環保。...

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Speeding past stereotypes: foodpanda and Women on Wheels partner to empower women in Pakistan


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Wednesday, 10 March 2021


WoW will provide free-of-cost bike riding training to Pakistani women in order to train them to become foodpanda riders. Pakistan’s largest delivery platform, foodpanda, has partnered with


WoW will provide free-of-cost bike riding training to Pakistani women in order to train them to become foodpanda riders. Pakistan’s largest delivery platform, foodpanda, has partnered with Women on Wheels (WoW), an initiative by the Salman Sufi Foundation (SSF) for

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Food assistance programme


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Monday, 15 February 2021


The Hong Kong Jockey Club has joined forces with the Hong Kong Christian Service and St. James’ Settlement, along with foodpanda to transport hot meals from local restaurants to eligible rec


The Hong Kong Jockey Club has joined forces with the Hong Kong Christian Service and St. James’ Settlement, along with foodpanda to transport hot meals from local restaurants to eligible recipients.It is estimated that over 70,000 people will benefit from the program

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